Written by: Karen Suhaka | February 8, 2019

We are republishing this piece as some great political eye candy. It is well worth clicking through to see the interactive graphs and read how politics and housing choices play off one another. –Karen

With American political polarization more divisive than it has ever been in the modern era, pundits have been scrambling and struggling to explain the divide within our nation. The 2018 midterm elections showed us that this trend is true, but unlike previous elections, 2018 has given us valuable insight into how the problem can be explained through the lens of housing choice. This insight allows us to capture a snapshot of what this moment means and can enable us to construct solutions that bring us together.

Apartment List’s research team published a new study which examines the intersection of politics, housing choice, and the American Dream and discovered that they strongly influence how we choose our elected officials and heavily affect policy in America.

Below are some key takeaways from the study:

  • Liberal and Conservative ways of thinking have been traced to the way in which we make decisions through psychological studies – specifically, Conservatives prefer order and structure, while Liberals prefer a more nebulous approach.

  • The modern version American Dream is one that features homeownership. It was put forth post-WW2 and pushed by Republicans. Democrats tend to think of the American Dream as opportunity.

  • As a result, Liberals are more likely to pursue opportunity, while Conservatives are more likely to pursue the chance to be homeowners. Both of these paths make them feel more connected to what it means to be an American. This has shown a divide in how we decide where to live, which can subsequently impact our communities and ultimately our politics.

For more information, check out the full study from Apartment List’s Rentonomics team.