Written by: Karen Suhaka | June 28, 2013

Now that most of the states are out of session, or nearly so, I thought it would be fun to look at some top ten lists and other statistics about what people found most interesting on our site this year.

To start with, lets look at the top ten bills read on our website so far for 2013 (starting with the most read bill):

NC H494: Rowan County Defense of Religion Act of 2013
OK HB1556: Aircraft; creating the Oklahoma Unmanned Aerial Surveillance Act
CO HB1001: Advanced Industries Acceleration Act
HI HB314: Funding of Projects; Crowdfunding
CO HB1254: Restorative Justice
NJ A154: Revises child pornography law.
MN SF586: Debt management and debt settlement provisions modification
WV HB2346: The Uniform Debt Management Services Act
NH HB116: Relative to the powers of an executor or administrator to take control of a decedent’s social networking websites.
NJ A2163: Requires certain financial training for school board members.

A nice wide variety of topics, don’t you think?

Here’s the states that generated the most interest (US refers to federal bills):

State Pie Chart

Which reflects to some degree the states with the most bills introduced, with MI being the main exception (lots of reads but not that many bills introduced, comparatively):

Introduced Bills Heat Map

Next lets look at what legislators got the most clicks.  The last time I did a summary of legislator clicks the top 10 were all from California. Which makes sense when you look at where visitors to our website come from:

BillTrack50 User Map

Since we’re based in Denver we have a disproportionate number of customers in Colorado.  Interestingly, DC is number 8 on the list, so definitely most of our visitors are from “the states”.

So what legislators have gotten the most clicks this year?  Here’s our top 10 for 2013 so far, starting with the legislator with the most views:

  1. Mike Parson  –  (R) Missouri
  2. Susan A. Bonilla  –  (D) California
  3. Nancy Skinner  –  (D) California
  4. Cathrynn Novich Brown  –  (R) New Mexico
  5. Richard Pan  –  (D) California
  6. Carol Liu  –  (D) California
  7. Bo Watson  –  (R) Tennessee
  8. Peter DeGraaf  –  (R) Kansas
  9. Henry T. Perea  –  (D) California
  10. Robert Ross  –  (R) Missouri

Maybe one of them is your favorite (or least favorite) too?

Finally let’s look at what search terms were most popular during the sessions.  This is based on searches entered on our quick search since January 1, 2013.

Word Cloud of Search Terms on BillTrack50












Which looks a lot like this year to me.

Have a great summer everyone!


About BillTrack50 – BillTrack50 offers free tools for citizens to easily research legislators and bills across all 50 states and Congress. BillTrack50 also offers professional tools to help organizations with ongoing legislative and regulatory tracking, as well as easy ways to share information both internally and with the public.