Written by: Karen Suhaka | April 7, 2014

One of our favorite customers recently included this amazing (interactive!) eye candy in their monthly newsletter. I’m republishing it here with permission. I hope you click through to actually play with the tool. Inspirational stuff!


Track educator policy legislation in SREB states

Policies concerning effective teaching have remained prominent on the legislative agendas of the SREB states. We want to share with you a tool that we are using to track this legislation — our educator effectiveness policy bill tracker.

Visit www.tinyurl.com/sreb-ee-legislation for an interactive web tool that will enable you to see the bills that have been introduced and/or passed in the SREB states during this legislative session. Topics include educator preparation, development, evaluation and compensation.

Thanks to Karen Suhaka and the team at billtrack50.com for the raw data on the legislation and to the folks at Tableausoftware for providing a way to visualize what is happening in the states.

Please let us know if you have any feedback.

Andy Baxter
Vice President for Educator Effectiveness



About BillTrack50 – BillTrack50 offers free tools for citizens to easily research legislators and bills across all 50 states and Congress. BillTrack50 also offers professional tools to help organizations with ongoing legislative and regulatory tracking, as well as easy ways to share information both internally and with the public.