Written by: Stephen Rogers | February 27, 2024

While we hope that you'll love BillTrack50 as much as we do, and stay with us forever, we understand that there may be circumstances when you may want to cancel your subscription or delete your account. We will always make this a painless as possible, and we will refund any subscriptions pro rata for the time you haven't used.

Deleting a Free Account

  • Click on your name in the top right hand corner and select Manage Account.
  • Then click the Delete Account button.

Canceling a Free Trial

There is no mechanism to immediately cancel a free trial once you have started it, but you can simply let it expire once the 30 days are up. Free trials do not automatically become subscriptions. Instead your account will then revert back to a free account and then, if you want to, you can delete your free account as above.

If you wish to end your free trial early for any reason, please contact us and we will be happy to do so.

Canceling a subscription

If you wish to remove an existing subscription from your account, then contact us and we will be happy to remove it and discuss a refund for any outstanding time that remains.

Deleting a User Account

If you are a user of a company account and you no longer need to use BillTrack50, you can delete your account.

  • Click on your name in the top right hand corner and select Manage Account.
  • Then click the Delete Account button.

This will remove you as an individual user but it will not delete the company, any bill sheets you have created, or affect any of the other users of that company.

The company administrator or any security administrator can also delete any other user from the account:

  • Click on their own name in the top right hand corner and select Manage Users.
  • Then click Edit next to the person they want to remove.
  • Finally click the red Delete button at the top.

Note: a company administrator CANNOT delete their own account. They must first transfer the administrator privileges to someone else:

  • Click on their own name in the top right hand corner and select Manage Users.
  • Then click Edit next to the person they want to make the new administrator.
  • Then check the Company Administrator box in the Roles tab.
  • Finally click Save at the top of the page. This will log them out. They will need to log back in to follow the instructions above to delete their account.

Deleting All Personal Data

We routinely remove our record of logins, ip addresses, and other personal data and records of your account and activities, after a short period of time. However we do not remove your main record (name and email address) from our database if you delete your account, in case you decide to return in the future. If you do want us to remove this information, then contact us and we will be happy to do so. See our privacy policy for more details.