Written by: Karen Suhaka | January 7, 2022

If your organization uses Slack to keep coordinated, you might prefer setting up a Slack Channel for bill alerts, instead of setting up everyone with their own BillTrack50 account. If you have a paid Slack account you can use the email tools to pretty easily forward your email alert to a slack channel using filters. But if you have a free account, which doesn't include the email tools, you can still make it work, by also using a free Zapier account.

These instructions will take your alert from Gmail to Zapier to Slack Flow

  1. Create a company Gmail address to interface with Slack. Don't use the account for ANYTHING else.
  2. Set up Zapier flow  (use Zapier email app to create a unique email address and connect to Slack app).
  3. In the company gmail account for Slack, set up a forwarding address to authorize the Zapier email address. Go to Slack and confirm the forwarding permission from the email that arrives there.
  4. Once approved, go to the company email address for Slack and set up a filter to forward everything containing "BillTrack50" to the Slack email address.
  5. Finally, go to the company Gmail account of your BillTrack50 user, and set a filter to forward all messages from DoNotReply@legination.com to your company email address for Slack.

Workflow triggers:

  • Email alert from BillTrack50 arrives in BillTrack50 user's gmail 
  • Alert is Auto-forwarded to company's Slack email address
  • Arriving Alert triggers filter,  forwarding alert to Zapier email address
  • Arriving Alert triggers Zap, forwarding Alert to the identified Slack Channel.
  • Tah-DAH!

We have seen gmail be weird about forwarding to a customized Zapier email address, which is why we suggest you create an account just for this purpose, so you don't create any problems with anyone's "real" email account.