If your organization uses Slack to keep coordinated, you might prefer setting up a Slack Channel for bill alerts, instead of setting up everyone with their own BillTrack50 account. If you have a paid Slack account you can use the email tools to pretty easily forward your email alert to a slack channel using filters. But if you have a free account, which doesn't include the email tools, you can still make it work, by also using a free Zapier account.
These instructions will take your alert from Gmail to Zapier to Slack Flow
- Create a company Gmail address to interface with Slack. Don't use the account for ANYTHING else.
- Set up Zapier flow (use Zapier email app to create a unique email address and connect to Slack app).
- In the company gmail account for Slack, set up a forwarding address to authorize the Zapier email address. Go to Slack and confirm the forwarding permission from the email that arrives there.
- Once approved, go to the company email address for Slack and set up a filter to forward everything containing "BillTrack50" to the Slack email address.
- Finally, go to the company Gmail account of your BillTrack50 user, and set a filter to forward all messages from DoNotReply@legination.com to your company email address for Slack.
Workflow triggers:
- Email alert from BillTrack50 arrives in BillTrack50 user's gmail
- Alert is Auto-forwarded to company's Slack email address
- Arriving Alert triggers filter, forwarding alert to Zapier email address
- Arriving Alert triggers Zap, forwarding Alert to the identified Slack Channel.
- Tah-DAH!
We have seen gmail be weird about forwarding to a customized Zapier email address, which is why we suggest you create an account just for this purpose, so you don't create any problems with anyone's "real" email account.