Written by: Patsy Ashmore | October 4, 2023

As well as finding information on bills, BillTrack50 also lets you find out all about individual legislators and legislative committees where bills are considered. See a quick summary of both the legislator and committee improvements made in 2023 in this 2-minute video.

Legislator Pages

Legislator pages update daily. On the main page you can see a picture of the legislator and some details, including their district and the date they took office. You can also see their contact details, as well as links to their website. We also include links from our friends at Ballotpedia (showing more details of their elections) and Follow the Money (showing information on their campaign financing). Let's look at the tabs in more detail:

The main legislator page with the tabs highlighted

Sponsored Bills Tab

Here you see all the bills that the legislator has sponsored, either as a main sponsor or a co sponsor. You can read the bill name and its summary, as well as its current status. You can click on the bill number to be taken to that specific bill.

Votes Tab

This tab shows you the most recent votes that the legislator has made, showing the bill, the motion, the date of the vote and how the legislator voted. Again, you can click through to the bill by clicking on the bill number. If you look at the bottom of the list, you can click the 'Export' button to export a full list of all the legislator's votes for all of their time in office.

Committee Tab

This tab shows the legislator's committee assignments. You can click on the "Detail" next to a committee's name to be taken to the full committee list. The rank tab shows the ranking of that legislator within a specific committee. In the example below, you'll notice how the ranking values relate to the position titles held on particular committees. Identifying the leaders within a committee can be an important piece of information.

Legislator committee tab with rank highlighted

Staff Tab

Here you can find details of the legislator's staff including contact details. This can help when contacting the legislator. NOTE: This tab is only available to paid BillTrack50 subscribers.

History Tab

The History tab gives you a quick understanding of any previously held office(s). This information can help augment your understanding of a legislator's experience and background.

The history tab on a legislator profile page

Committee Pages

Members Tab

There are several ways to get to a committee page. For this example, let's say you arrive at a committee page via a Legislator's profile by clicking on the "Detail" link on their committee tab. This link takes you to the members tab of the Committee page. On that page you can click on any member's image to go to their profile.

The committee page with tabs highlighted

Staff Tab

This tab gives names, titles and contact details for the committee staff, to help if you need to contact the committee. NOTE: This tab is only available to paid BillTrack50 subscribers.

Bills Tab

When you click on the bills tab, you arrive at a list of all the bills referred to that committee so far this session. You are able to click on the bill number to go to the bill detail page. In the bills tab grid, you also see the bill name and the progress, as well as the referral date.

List of bills in a committee

Clicking on the bill number in the above list of bills referred to the insurance committee is another path to the bill detail page. When you arrive on the bill page you will see that there's a committees tab listing all the committees the bill has been referred to so far. The great news is you can flow back and forth as needed between the bill page and the committee page, reviewing the make-up of the committees considering the bill, as well as the list of other bills they'll be considering.

The committee tab on a bill

The committee tab on a bill

On the committees tab of the bill detail page (as shown above), you will be able to see the referral path of a bill. You can also jump from the committees tab to the committee list by clicking on the "Detail" link.