Written by: Senator Curtis Olafson | September 3, 2012

The National Debt Relief Amendment (NDRA) is a nationwide effort invoking states’ rights under Article V of the United States Constitution to propose an amendment to our Constitution. The proposed amendment is, “An increase in the federal debt requires approval from a majority of the legislatures of the separate states.”

This idea was first formulated by a Texas based non-profit, non-partisan corporation, RestoringFreedom.Org. The NDRA has been thoroughly researched and strongly endorsed by the Goldwater Institute in Phoenix, Arizona. They have publicly stated that the NDRA is the most powerful Amendment proposal they have seen The NDRA is a non-partisan proposal for the simple reason that the federal debt crisis is not a partisan issue and the amendment does not dictate policy. The federal debt has increased under the control of both political parties. People from all parts of the political spectrum are rightly concerned about the federal debt.

The US federal debt at the time of this writing stood at $15.7 trillion, which translates to over $50,000 per person and over $138,000 per taxpayer. Our debt to GDP ratio is at 104%. We will soon be borrowing 50% of the money we “need” to fund our insatiable appetite for spending. This is clearly an unsustainable course that threatens the security of our country.

The NDRA has been approved in North Dakota and Louisiana and passed by wide margins in both chambers of both states with bi-partisan support. The Louisiana House passed the NDRA on a unanimous vote. The NDRA currently has prime sponsors in 23 additional states.  It is clear that Congress will not act to restrain itself. The only option we have left is for the states to exercise their Constitutional role in the Republic under Article V. For more information, please visit our website at www.restoringfreedom.org


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