Written by: Karen Suhaka | May 10, 2023

Good Party: A Non-Profit Revolutionizing Politics

Empowering Candidates with Knowledge, Skills, and Ongoing Support

for Successful Campaigns

Guest Post from Andrew Harker

Good Party, founded in 2019 by entrepreneur Farhad Mohit, is a unique organization driven by a mission to help the over 100 million independent individuals in America obtain the representation they deserve. As a Public Benefit corporation, Good Party prioritizes this primary objective above mere revenues or profits. Its purpose is to empower independent, grassroots candidates across the political spectrum by equipping them with powerful social tools to run and win elections.

By providing free, open-source resources, Good Party mobilizes digital natives and the creative community, encouraging them to vote differently and support these independent candidates. This groundbreaking initiative aims to give independent grassroots candidates a real chance at running and winning elections, which has been historically challenging. Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, Good Party operates with a dedicated team of individuals who are passionate about achieving this common goal.

The Two-Party System Problem

The American democracy has been corrupted by a two-party system that serves moneyed interests, leaving the people to choose between the lesser of two evils. Consequently, important issues continue to go unaddressed, leaving a majority of eligible voters (over 130 million Americans), including more than 50% of millennials and Gen Z, feeling that the two-party system isn't representing them.

Good Party's Mission

Good Party's mission is to help independent, grassroots candidates from across the political spectrum have a real chance of running and winning elections for the first time in modern history. Good Party is building technology and a movement that will make this a reality.

Open-Source Tools for Grassroots Candidates

Good Party's approach to revolutionizing politics is through the development of open-source tools to support grassroots candidates. By empowering underrepresented voices and providing comprehensive training and support, Good Party is helping to build a more inclusive and representative democracy.

Digital Tools

Good Party offers a variety of digital tools designed to help grassroots candidates run for office. These tools include a voter database, a website builder, a social media toolkit, and a campaign management system. The voter database helps candidates identify and target voters, while the website builder allows them to create professional-looking campaign websites quickly. The social media toolkit provides guidance on how to use social media effectively to engage with potential supporters. Lastly, the campaign management system enables candidates to manage all aspects of their campaign from a single platform.

Good Party Academy

One of the most unique and valuable services that Good Party offers is its Good Party Academy, a comprehensive training program designed to empower underrepresented voices and provide them with the tools and resources necessary to run for public office. The Good Party Academy offers a wide range of training programs and resources, including online courses, workshops, and one-on-one coaching sessions. These resources cover a variety of topics, including campaign strategy, fundraising, media relations, public speaking, and more.

The Good Party Academy is designed to provide candidates with the skills and knowledge they need to run effective, successful campaigns, regardless of their prior experience or background. By providing candidates with access to these resources, Good Party is helping to level the playing field and create a more inclusive and representative democracy.

The Good Party Academy is just one example of the many innovative and impactful services that Good Party offers to candidates and voters alike. By empowering independent, grassroots candidates and mobilizing digital natives to vote differently, Good Party is helping to disrupt the two-party system and build a more democratic and equitable future.

Comprehensive Training and Support

The Academy is a comprehensive training and support to grassroots candidates. This includes resources on campaign strategy, fundraising, and media relations. Good Party's team of experienced professionals works with candidates to create effective campaign strategies and provides guidance on fundraising and media relations. This ensures that candidates are well-equipped to run successful campaigns and reach a broad audience.

Join the Good Party Movement

If you're interested in joining the Good Party movement and making a difference in the political landscape, the organization invites you to check out its website at www.goodparty.org. You can also find them on TikTok @goodparty. Good Party is always looking for talented and passionate individuals who are committed to building a more inclusive and representative democracy.