Written by: Stephen Rogers | May 13, 2024

In March 2024 we launched our new committee category feature which allows you to filter your bill searches to bills which have been sent to a particular type of committee. Read more about filtering by committee here.

Because we love data and statistics at BillTrack50, we couldn't resist taking the committee category data and turning it into graphics. And we've added those graphics into our stat stats pages for your use and enjoyment.

If you're unfamiliar with the state stats pages and how to use them, check out this video for an overview. To see charts, graphs and useful information for each state go to the State Stats link on the main navigation to the left once you are logged in, or click the link in the footer if you're not.

State Stats page

Click on a state hexagon and you'll see the graphs and links for that state.

Scroll to the bottom to see the new committee category graphs. The first graph shows how many bills in that state have been referred to each category of committees.

bills per committee category

Every committee in the country has been assigned to one or more of 11 broad categories according to its main purpose, and so the graph shows the number of bills assigned to committees in that state for each category, in the current or most recent session. If a bill has been sent to committees in more than one category then it will show up in both. Which is why the budget category will often have the most bills - bills tend to involve spending money so most bills will find their way to some kind of budget committee before they make it through the process.

The second graph shows passed bills per category.

passed bills per committee category

Here, you can see what percentage of bills referred to each committee ended up being enacted over time. This can reveal some interesting trends and help you to determine whether a particular bill is likely to pass.