Written by: Karen Suhaka | October 13, 2012

MyFairElection.com is a crowd sourced election monitoring platform created by faculty at the Harvard Kennedy School with support from LegiNation, Inc. and a group of dedicated citizens. It enables voters to take an active role in monitoring their polling places and in improving the quality of elections and ballot access in the United States. To learn more and register for MyFairElection, go here:


On election day, November 6, MyFairElection will enable voters across America to use their smart phones, laptops, or desktops to rate the quality of their voting experience: five stars for a pleasant and fulfilling experience at the ballot box or one star for very long lines, broken machines, or intimidation. Users will also be able to record wait times, comment, report problems, and upload photos. MyFairElection will also provide voters with the location of their polling place, voter id requirements, and other election-day information such as current average wait times.

MyFairElection will aggregate voter provided data into heatmaps and other data rich displays to identify and display the quality of the electoral access across America. MyFairElection will allow users to identify and locate problems as they emerge in real time, compare and rank states and localities according to the quality of access to the vote they provide, and share the experience of exercising that most fundamental right of modern democracies — the right and ability to vote.

The beautiful, mobile friendly website enables users to easily rate and describe their voting experience. The results will democratize the assessment of the quality of our nation’s electoral institutions. By giving completely open access to an anonymized data set after the election, the platform will provide —free of charge— election monitoring data to government agencies, journalists, voter protection groups, and ordinary citizens alike. By being open to participation by all voters, be their poll experience positive or negative, the participation level and resulting data set could far exceed more tightly controlled efforts that rely on physically present poll monitors or voting problem hotlines.  The metrics provided will help drive our electoral process to be more efficient for everyone.

For more information, please contact MyFairElection at Info@MyFairElection.com


About BillTrack50 – BillTrack50 offers free tools for citizens to easily research legislators and bills across all 50 states and Congress. BillTrack50 also offers professional tools to help organizations with ongoing legislative and regulatory tracking, as well as easy ways to share information both internally and with the public.