Written by: Joe | June 3, 2014

One thing I have been wanting to do in DC since the weather warmed up is rent a Tidal Basin Paddle Boat. So on yesterday’s beautiful Sunday in DC, I thought renting a paddle boat would be a nice way to spend an hour in the sun.

The views from the tidal basin are excellent, you can get a good look at the Jefferson Memorial and Martin Luther King Memorial from the basin, while also being somewhat removed from the usual crowds. It was fun and relaxing just drifting around and taking in the sights without being overwhelmed by weekend tourists.

There are some things you must be prepared for. A nice leg work out, especially if the person next to you isn’t paddling at all. And, as my title suggests, sun screen is highly advised. I figured an hour out in the sun, how bad could it be? Well, my girlfriend and I looked like lobsters when we got back. Lesson learned.  Overall, it was a great experience and perfect for when I have out of town visitors or when the cherry blossoms bloom again, but next time I’ll remember sunscreen.