Written by: Joe | June 12, 2014

If you have never been to DC’s southwest waterfront, excluding the Nationals Ball Park, I suggest you visit sometime soon. Last weekend I decided to venture into a part of the city I had never been before. I would suspect the only reason many decide to travel to the southwest waterfront is to go to a Nat’s game, however it offers so much more. I ventured down to Yards Park to attend a pop-up market, which featured fashion trucks and local boutiques. Not really my cup of tea, but it seemed interesting enough, so I decided to go.


As I was walking in the area I realized very quickly that there is a lot to offer down there. The first impression I got was that it seemed to be an extension of the Georgetown water front, minus the overwhelming touristy feel. This underrated neighborhood includes a great boardwalk along the Anacostia River with a well-designed bridge that gives it a distinctive look. I will definitely be going back soon to try some of the new restaurants, and enjoy a summer day overlooking the water.