Written by: Cleo Dan | June 15, 2019

From Karen: You can see more great suggestions from Cleo to help with your digital advocacy efforts here, including this post it its original form https://www.muster.com/blog/the-nonprofit-summer-guide-4-member-engagement-ideas)

Warm weather, sunshine, and patriotic holiday weekends are upon us – it’s official, summer is just around the corner. Summer months also symbolize the end of many state legislative sessions, bringing about a slower-paced work environment and a renewed opportunity to debrief and prepare for the fall. The summer gives us an opportunity to reflect about the first few months of the year, assess what member engagement strategies have been effective and rework plans before autumn arrives.

We’ve compiled a list of strategies and ideas to maximize member engagement and nonprofit marketing during the summer.



Photo by Laura Pratt on Unsplash


1. Provide Summer Opportunities for Member Connections

The summer provides ample time to organize a member-focused luncheon, group breakfast, or general roundtable for interested members who wish to discuss industry-relevant policy. Associations should ensure that member voices are reflected in policy decisions. To host an advocacy-focused gathering during the summer months, send an email invitation to your membership and let them know that their input is valuable year-round, but especially as the association reevaluates its positions after the state legislative has concluded.

2. Encourage Member-Legislator Outreach and Connection

State-level legislators have more free time during the summer months when they aren’t in session. Post-session summer months present a great opportunity for your advocates to get to know their state legislators outside of politics. Summer is a great time to attend a district event where a lawmaker is in attendance, invite them to events, or to digitally interact with an elected official.

3. Host Casual Summer-Themed Events

As reported in Associations Now, the Arkansas Gas Association hosts an annual barbecue event. Between barbecues, picnics, and outdoor family-friendly potlucks, there are many options for your association to give your members the opportunity to connect with one another outside of typical industry events.

4. Keep Member Communications Going

From an advocacy standpoint, it’s a great idea to keep members informed and up-to-date with how your organization is formulating policy positions during the summer months. Whether or not your association is facing a pressing policy issue, the summer “off season” presents an opportunity to deepen your relationship with members by sending out interesting updates throughout the months of June to mid-September.

Don’t forget, you can always find more great advice at https://www.muster.com/blog