Written by: Karen Suhaka | April 17, 2014

I’ve blogged about it before, so you know we’re big supporters of the fourth amendment around here. Not to take anything away from the first amendment, another fave, but the fourth has seemed to need even more love recently.

As part of our efforts we’ve joined Reset the Net and pledged to do even more to secure our user data, and to save even less data then we already are. (Yes we have specific plans, but, well, the details are private…)

We care about privacy and security and are constantly striving to do our part to keep us all safe on the net.

For more info see the official video:


About BillTrack50 – BillTrack50 offers free tools for citizens to easily research legislators and bills across all 50 states and Congress. BillTrack50 also offers professional tools to help organizations with ongoing legislative and regulatory tracking, as well as easy ways to share information both internally and with the public.