Written by: Karen Suhaka | February 26, 2014

A little while back, TechDirt and the New American had a blog posts about the NSA, and states pushing back on Fourth Amendment issues.  These articles featured several interesting bills:

NH HB1533 – Requiring a warrant to search information in a portable electronic device.

NH HB1619 – Prohibiting the acquisition, collection, or retention of certain information.

AZ SB1156 – Prohibited electronic data; metadata collection

TN SB1849 – The “Fourth Amendment Protection Act” which prohibits state or local government cooperation with federal collection of electronic data or metadata without a warrant


Which inspired me to make a stakeholder page about the fourth amendment:



And then I met Omiro, this awesome site compiling videos about legislation. Many are on civil rights issues, very much including the fourth amendment. Here’s a few of their most popular for you to peruse:


Can I do that (women’s right in TX) http://omiro.com/videos/35

 Stop and Frisky (Stop and Frisk NY) http://omiro.com/videos/50
Parkour Chase (Stop and Frisk NY) http://omiro.com/videos/49
NSA Saves your marriage (privacy) http://omiro.com/videos/43
NSA Settles Marital Disputes (privacy) http://omiro.com/videos/42
Affordable Drinking Act (Affordable Care Act) http://omiro.com/videos/64
Justice for All Reauthorization Act (DNA testing) http://omiro.com/videos/116
Proof of Insurance on Cell Phone (Auto insurance) http://omiro.com/videos/41
Uniting American Families Act of 2013 (Marriage Equality for Immigrants) http://omiro.com/videos/76
Respect for Marriage Act (Marriage equality) http://omiro.com/videos/74
Jellybean Voter ID (Voter Registration and Fraud) http://omiro.com/videos/44
Donut Dreaming (Stop and Frisk) http://omiro.com/videos/48



About BillTrack50 – BillTrack50 offers free tools for citizens to easily research legislators and bills across all 50 states and Congress. BillTrack50 also offers professional tools to help organizations with ongoing legislative and regulatory tracking, as well as easy ways to share information both internally and with the public.