Written by: Karen Suhaka | July 2, 2019

BillTrack50 is very pleased to announce a new integration option with The Soft Edge, a leader in grassroots advocacy. Using The Soft Edge tools allows BillTrack50 users to easily alert their advocates to take action on key legislation. BillTrack50 users have long been able to actively promote support or opposition for bills through BillTrack50’s widgets and scorecards. Now users can amplify their advocacy efforts via The Soft Edge e-advocacy platform. 


Identify and track legislation + Alert advocates and monitor results = Win

Calls to Action

The Soft Edge’s online advocacy software helps you build widgets to add to your website to mobilize your members to contact their representatives about a specific bill or regulation. 

You can ask your members to:

  1. Message via email, fax, or letter
  2. Tweet
  3. Facebook
  4. Call
  5. Sign a Petition
  6. Comment on Regulations
  7. Write a Letter to the Editor

All in one integrated easy to use action center. 

Intrigued? Of course you are! Check out this live demo of the Soft Edge in action. Click any of the Take Action buttons to see how easy it will be for your advocates to connect with their representatives. Read about a successful campaign case study here.

Creating Campaigns

The Soft Edge software makes it easy to set up your campaigns. You just need to write a title for your campaign, a short description of the issue, and provide an image for visual appeal. The Soft Edge will walk you through the process of customizing your content  — you can send customized letters based on sponsorship, previous votes, committee membership, etc. There are also several options to avoid the dreaded “form letter” look to your advocates’ emails. 

BillTrack50 is also in the process of adding a button to help you start an advocacy campaign right from any BillTrack50 bill page.

Promoting Campaigns

The Soft Edge provides tools to help you let your members know you need them to take action. Their member management system keeps track of your supporters and can send out targeted email blasts or text messages with information about your campaign. They provide legislator lookup tools, election information, and voter registration tools for your members too. The system can even make “web stickers” for you to share so that others can embed a mini version of your campaign on *their* website as a way to support your cause. Finally, they have an option for you to send an automatic thank you message to your supporters because that’s just good manners.

You can also easily integrate the Soft Edge’s call to action pages right into your existing BillTrack50 map, scorecard, or stakeholder page. Here is a reminder how to set that up.

Managing Results

Once your campaign is published and promoted, the Soft Edge has a robust dashboard to help you keep track of the results of your campaign. One display that is particularly fun is the live “supporter map”, which you can publish live on your site, to help get some friendly rivalry going, motivating your members to take action that much more. 

The Soft Edge has really thought of everything to help your campaign be a success.

Want to Learn More?

We would love to talk about what you need, show you the Soft Edge suite of advocacy tools, and help you figure out if they are a good fit for you. Just Contact Us with your request, or reach out directly to Karen or Michael to schedule a demo. We are really excited about this new partnership and can’t wait to show you how to take your advocacy to the next level.