Written by: Karen Suhaka | September 9, 2013

This is a guest post by Nolan Love introducing PollVault, hopefully the first of several.  Take a quick look and you’ll see why I’m so excited about it.  You can reach Nolan at: contact (at) pollvault (dot) com for more information.


PollVault Democracy Server

The fabric of our democracy is changing, post by post, tweet by tweet. The tapestry of ideas
about how we should proceed as a country is growing ever more vibrant, ever more densely
woven, ever stronger. And the image that emerges in this network of threads, while as yet
unclear, certainly has one theme that is undeniable: inclusion.

Technology is driving transformation toward a government not just of the people, but by the
people and for the people. All of the people. Simple and accessible connectivity via social
networks has dramatically facilitated the flow of information, and with it, our collective
organization and decision making power. The Arab Spring and #Occupy movements
underscore a latent desire to assemble and join political forces with others to improve our world.
New Internet tools make this potently possible.

PollVault is a Democracy Server. PollVault lowers the barrier to voting by connecting
voters with the ballot choices of trusted organizations and friends.

PollVault leverages users’ existing social networks, but it is unique in three important ways:

On PollVault, citizens form small natural networks based not on acquaintance, but on trust.
Voters choose only ten thoughtfully selected friends and organizations to serve as trusted
advisors, and follow these advisors’ positions on key ballot measures and races. Each voter is
like a President choosing a cabinet: there’s only so much room at the table, so pick the talent

Secondly, PollVault is about listening. When you are invited to PollVault, it is because someone
wants to hear what you have to say about the issues, and trusts that it will be well considered.
When you join PollVault, you choose advisors to whom you will listen in turn. As a result, voters
become better educated, and political and social capital accrues to the most trusted voices.
Thought leaders emerge. Power shifts based on the fidelity of ideas. Collectively, through
listening, we make better decisions.

Finally, and crucially, PollVault respects and protects voters’ fundamental right to privacy. No
political position is ever visible to anyone else until a voter expressly shares that position. A site
that is built literally on trust had better earn and keep the trust of its members. On PollVault,
privacy is paramount. Period.

The fabric of our democracy is changing, post by post, tweet by tweet, poll by poll…

We welcome your thread.


(for more information also see this video and this press release)

About BillTrack50 – BillTrack50 offers free tools for citizens to easily research legislators and bills across all 50 states and Congress. BillTrack50 also offers professional tools to help organizations with ongoing legislative and regulatory tracking, as well as easy ways to share information both internally and with the public.