Written by: Karen Suhaka | December 8, 2017


Media contact: Jim Nowakowski


Now There Is No More Excuse to Claim Ignorance about the Laws of our Nation: New iPhone App from BillTrack50 is FREE and Makes Getting Involved Oh So Easy!

Denver, CO – According to research, Americans check their phone on average once every 12 minutes. This turns out to be around 80 times per day says global tech protection and support company, Asurion.

“Well, when you download our new app, all of that checking is going to help you perfect our union,” promises Karen Suhaka, founder and president of LegiNation, Inc. who produces BillTrack50 software, the highly successful legislative tracking software for federal and state bills throughout the United States. “BillTrack50 as website software has been providing powerful legislative information for years to corporations, associations, activists and journalists about the laws of our nation. Now, in this true age of transparency, we’ve put this powerful information into the palm of your hand.”

BillTrack50 app is now available in the Apple® app store (download here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/billtrack50/id1315336133?mt=8). Once on your phone or tablet, any user can review every legislator and every piece of legislation at the federal and state level by simply typing in a last name or the words you want to research.

“For example,” Suhaka says, “type in ‘marijuana’ and you get every bill at the state and federal level containing that word organized by state. Then the user simply clicks on any of the bills to get the rundown of the status of bill on their phone, with a link to the Billtradk50 website itself to read the actual text of the bill and check.”

When the user clicks that link, they go to Karen’s website and there is the complete text of the bill, including status, the text of the bill, voting history, associate documents and more.

“Anyone who wants help to you get involved and live up to their civic duties will find this app ideal for doing just that,” Suhaka points out. “So there is really is no reason to put off getting involved, is there?”

The app has several other ways to get involved, like a tool to look up your representatives and then tap to call, tweet, facebook, or even visit their office in real life. The app also contains a section called Upcoming Elections showing you any election coming up with links to details of that election.

“We wanted to make it easy to become active,” Suhaka says, “because passion matters. Face it: things are going to happen anyway, whether you get involved or not. Isn’t it better to jump in and do something rather than sit back and let things happen?”

One of Suhaka’s favorite quotations that drives her passion for activism comes Niccolo Machiavelli. “He wrote in the Prince that there are three different kinds of brains. One understands things unassisted, while the another understands things when shown by others. The third kind understands neither alone nor with the explanations of others. The first kind is most excellent, and the second also excellent. The third, however, is useless. We’re not useless, are we? BillTrack50 the app shows you what is going on in Washington, and makes it so much easier for you to express yourself.”

Suhaka recently offered her web-based tool free of charge to qualified journalists and bloggers. “That was such a huge success, we wanted everyone to be able to benefit with a completely free app. And while we do still offer paid tools to legislative professionals, consumers everywhere will have free access to enough powerful information to do what they need to do: discuss issues intelligently and take action!”

For more information about app BillTrack50, contact: Jim Nowakowski, 847-358-6884, jim@marketingrepsllc.com, or Karen Suhaka directly at 303.809.2046 eMail: Karen@LegiNation.com.

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About LegiNation, Inc. Based in Denver CO, LegiNation, Inc. was founded with the goal of making state-level legislation more readily available to the professionals who need it, and even more importantly to the public at large. BillTrack50, the company’s software product, is available for individuals to research state and federal legislation and legislators any time. For more information, contact: Karen Suhaka, e-mail: Karen@LegiNation.com. Phone: 303.809.2046

EDITOR’S NOTE: For more information about the BillTrack50 app, contact Karen Suhaka directly at 303.809.2046 eMail: Karen@LegiNation.com. Or download it in the app store at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/billtrack50/id1315336133?mt=8



