Written by: Karen Suhaka | April 6, 2014

This summary/teaser was provided to us from our good friends at KnowWho. I found the information very interesting and so got permission to share this information here with you.


Grassroots Influence Pulse™
Qualitative Survey Results Topline

By Amy Showalter and Kelton Rhoads, PhD
What are the current trends in grassroots influence?

How much time and money are being directed to various grassroots techniques?

And most important, what are the trends in how members of Congress are responding (or not) to your influence strategies?

These are a few of the questions we sought to answer via our inaugural Grassroots Influence Pulse™ survey among grassroots professionals. Here are a few intriguing findings and our questions for your consideration. (And yes, we’ll answer the questions in our next data release!)


Legislator Relationships and Receptivity

Respondents think that legislators are somewhat more open to communication this year than last. And, a vast majority of respondents feel their organization’s volunteers and lobbyists have improved relationships with legislators and their staff this year, compared to last year. Yet, at the same time, more respondents are finding legislators to be more resistant to influence, compared to the previous year!

We believe this finding has tremendous implications for grassroots professionals who must demonstrate influence results, because it raises the question: “Who is influencing whom here?” There is a reason why relationships seem greatly improved on the one hand, and on the other respondents perceive that less actual persuasion is occurring. Influence is a two-way street. We’ll share how to address this conundrum in our full report.

In other findings regarding legislator relations and receptivity, corporations perceive more legislator openness than associations or non-profits.

Why do corporations perceive more legislator openness? Is this an example of the context principle of influence, or is it because many corporations have large PAC’s?

Grassroots Volunteer Recruitment
Those who are having a harder time recruiting volunteers report that their potential volunteers cite cynicism or even depression over the political process.

How should grassroots professionals address this? Is it even something government relations professionals should worry about?

Allocating Communications Resources
In terms of allocating time to various activities, most people indicate they’re spending about 20% of their effort online. Online communications are predominately email, followed by Twitter, which is followed in turn by Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.

To read the entire article, and get a PDF copy, click here.

Amy Showwalter is a national authority on grassroots and PAC effectiveness. She is the author of “The Underdog Edge” (Morgan James) and “The Art and Science of the BFF: 105 Ways to Build Relationships on the Hill, at the State House, and in City Hall.” Her insights have been featured in over 500 media outlets. Amy’s clients include many of the nation’s most prominent corporations and associations, including HCA Healthcare, International Paper, Pfizer, and Buffalo Wild Wings, as well as leading national organizations like the American Heart Association, the U.S. Green Building Council, and the American Society of Civil Engineers.www.showwaltergroup.com / Twitter: @amyshowalter

Dr. Kelton Rhoads is a psychologist, influence consultant, and adjunct professor at the University of Southern California. He has published a variety of scholarly and popular articles on influence. His clients include many U.S. corporations, PR firms, the U.S. Government, United Nations, NATO, political candidates, and a variety of grassroots organizations. His website can be found at www.workingpsychology.com.



About BillTrack50 – BillTrack50 offers free tools for citizens to easily research legislators and bills across all 50 states and Congress. BillTrack50 also offers professional tools to help organizations with ongoing legislative and regulatory tracking, as well as easy ways to share information both internally and with the public.