Written by: Paul Barnes | July 28, 2021

In this quick tutorial, we will be taking a look at how you can add a new user to your account.

You can add a new user any time in three easy steps, listed below. You can also set up their account role and their permission level to various items in the account, either when you create the account or any time later, as outlined in steps 4 and 5.

Step 1. Click on the account menu in the top right corner, you should get a drop down menu that has an option called “Manage Users”. The image below shows what the Change Alerts screen looks like. If you do not have the Manage Users option, then you don’t have permission to add users; contact your company’s account administrator or contact us to get help with your permissions.

Step 2. Clicking on the “Manage Users” button will take you to the Company Users page which should look something like the below image. Once on this page you can click the “Add” button to start adding a user.

Step 3. Once you have clicked “Add”, you will be taken to the Edit Company User page, shown below. Fill in at least the first name, last name, and email address for the user. Optionally you can add a description which you can use as a reminder to yourself about this user and/or you can use the description to help you filter your users to find specific people (or groups of people) later. Everyone who has permission to add users will be able to see the description.

Once you are done setting up fields 1 – 4 for your new user you can go ahead and click save to create the account. Once you create the account an email will automatically be sent to your user letting them know their account has been created and inviting them to set up their own password. Once you click save you have added your new user! If you want to add multiple users, simply repeat this process for each one.

Step 4. Before creating the account, you may also want to consider what roles they should have, if any. You can also revisit this screen to update roles for users at any time. The roles section is highlighted with an orange arrow in the image above. The possible roles are:

  1. Company Administrator: Handles subscriptions and invoices and is automatically a Security and Template admin.
  2. Security Administrator: Can add and remove users, and change user permissions.
  3. Template Administrator: Can view, add, and modify all templates in the account.

Be sure to click “Save” at the top right to create the new account or to save any role changes. Note: if the user is currently logged in then changing their role will kick them out of their account and they’ll need to log in again. If you are the current Company Administrator and you are making someone else the Company Administrator (there can be only one) then YOU will also be logged out when you click save and will need to log in again.

Step 5. If you would like to give this user access to existing items in the account you can set that up before saving, or you can come back to the Company Users page anytime and click the edit next to their name to edit roles and permissions (note: you can also edit yourself). At the bottom of the Edit Company User page you’ll see the user roles followed by tabs for the different types of items; bill sheets, stakeholder pages, regulation sheets, and scorecards. To share an item go to the appropriate section, for example bill sheets, which is shown below.


For each bill sheet you would like to share you have the following:

  1. None: the bill sheet will not be listed in their navigation bar and they will not be able to access the sheet (or even know it exists)
  2. View: the bill sheet will be available for them to view but they will not be able to add or remove bills from the sheet and they will not have the query or manage tabs for the sheet. They will be able to work with the grid, review bills, set up alerts, and create widgets.
  3. Comment: like view permission, but the user will be able to enter comments into any custom columns you have added to the grid.
  4. Query: in addition to being able to comment, the user will be able to add and remove bills to the bill sheet and will be able to access the query tab to change the query parameters.
  5. Manage: the user will have complete control over the bill sheet including accessing the manage tab to rename, copy, or delete the sheet.

The other types of products have similar permission levels letting you decide if the user should be able to only see the item in question, be able to modify the item, or be in control of the item entirely.

Be sure to click Save in the top left corner after adjusting the permissions. Changes can take up to 5 minutes to show up in the user’s account.