Written by: Paul Barnes | July 25, 2021

This quick guide will show you the steps to look at bills from a previous session. If you would prefer to watch a video on this topic rather than read about it, than look no further than this video.

Step 1. The first step is to open one of your bill sheets, or to make a new bill sheet. You can create a new bill sheet by clicking the “New Sheet” button after choosing “View All” in the “Bill Sheets” section of the navigation panel, as in the image below.

If you are using an existing sheet open it and go to the query tab. If you are creating a new bill sheet, you will automatically be taken to the query tab after you name your bill sheet.

Step 2. Once on the Query tab, scroll down to the “Filter Bills” section and find the “Current Session” label. Click on “Current Session” and select “Session Years” instead. If your page already says “Session Years” than that means you are already filtering set up to see bills from older sessions. Regardless, after setting your sheet to “Session Years” you should now be able to see a date range like in the image below.

You can set the timeline to whatever you want by clicking and dragging the “circles” to the desired years. If you want to see a single year then you can drag both the “circles” to that specific year. So for example, if you wanted to view all bills from 2013, than you need to drag BOTH the “circles” to 2013.

Any bills from a session overlapping your range will be included in your search. If you choose 2016, for example, you will all bills from sessions that ran 2015-2016, 2016 only sessions, and sessions that ran from 2016-2017. If you pick a range it works the same way, including bills from any session that includes one of the years in your range.

Step 3. Once you are done setting up your date range, click the Save button at the bottom of the page. You will now see bills from older sessions!

If you wish to change back to only the most recent session, or want to view a different range of dates, merely go back into your bills query tab and change the date range. If you want to go back to only the most recent session, then click on “Session Years” and then click “Current Session”. In both cases, you will need to click “Save” at the bottom again.