Written by: Patsy Ashmore | August 14, 2020

Navigating around BillTrack50 has changed slightly. Most navigation is now handled via the navigation panel on the left hand side of the screen. You can open and close the panel by clicking on the BillTrack50 logo. Probably the navigation is pretty self evident, but here’s some details.


In this video we discuss the new navigation panel. Access your alerts, bill sheets and other items, and the quick search screen all directly from this panel. Account management items like user management and template management remain in the account menu.

Access your alerts

When you first select alerts on the navigation bar you are taken to a new alert summary screen. The new summary screen only shows you the sheets where there was activity. You can sort the columns in the bill sheet if you want to find the most active bill sheet to focus on first. You can still access the old alert grid by clicking the alert details link for any particular bill sheet.

Bill Sheets and other items

If you have a small number of bill sheets, stakeholder pages, regulation sheets or scorecards, you can open them directly from the navigation bar. You can also view the whole list by clicking on the “view all” option, which takes you to a screen a lot like the old bill sheet, stakeholder page, etc tabs. Just like before the “new” button is at the top of the screen listing all of your items.

BillTrack50 Stakeholder Page Navigation Drop down

If you have a substantial number of bill sheets, you will see an item count on the navigation panel instead if a list of items. Click on the item, like bill sheets, to be taken to a full bill sheet list (like the old bill sheet tab). Notice the list can be sorted by any column and now has a filter at the top to help find a specific bill sheet or sheets quickly.

Quick Search

Quick search for legislators and bills is now on the navigation bar on the bottom left. You can still search bills from the top banner, but the legislator search is only available in the navigation panel.

Account Management

Account management items like user management and template management remain in the account menu.


Of note is the new session management option available in Manage Account.

Custom Reports

If you have any custom reports you can now access them from the navigation panel. Any input required to run your report can be entered into fields displayed on the right hand side of the screen. If you don’t have any custom reports but would like to discuss, please reach out any time. We’re always excited for the opportunity to make BillTrack50 work better for you!


Hopefully you will find these small changes make navigating around BillTrack50 more convenient, especially when you are on your phone.


Cover Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash