Written by: Karen Suhaka | October 20, 2017

As the falling leaves outside my window are whispering to me, time marches on. This year will soon be last year, and next year will be this year bringing a new parade of bills. If you know what I mean.

We’ve always let you search historical bills on BillTrack50, but it was an all or nothing affair. Now I am pleased to announce that there is a new search tool on your query tab, a timeline so you can pick exactly how much history you want to see.

I’m excited, hopefully you are excited, and how sweet it would be if that were the end of this announcement. But no. Searching by year brings certain complications if you are searching in more than one state. The year selection tool should be pretty much self-explanatory, so feel free to use it as you see fit, and don’t worry about the details until you run into a confusing result. Or you can follow me right into the weeds to learn all about how sessions work and they impact the results of your query.

Adding Introduced Session to your Template

Bills numbers are only unique within the session, so if you are searching across multiple years you may get many HB101s back in a given state. So if you plan on reviewing bills from multiple years on the same bill sheet, you’ll probably want to add the introduced session column to your bill sheet so you can tell yout HB101s apart. If you aren’t familiar with how templates work, please review this post for details.

Session Length

A great resource for understanding sessions is the NCSL page on the topic. Their calendar is particularly helpful. Also check out this great summary of session dates and rules and an excellent glossary from Ballotpedia.

Annual (one year) sessions, Special Sessions, and Interim Sessions – About half the states have a session every year, and possibly some special sessions too. Some states have regular sessions every other year, and only financial or organization sessions in the off years. In all of these cases, the session is contained within one calendar year, so your search by year will act exactly how you expect it to.

Biennial (two year) sessions – About half of the states have two-year sessions, with all but New Jersey running from an odd year to an even year; for example, the current session of Congress, the 115th Congress, runs 2017-2018. New Jersey, the exception, runs even year – odd year, except they don’t finish until the following January, so 2016 -2017, but not actually finishing until Jan 2018. For the purposes of the timeline, we consider their session to be contained within the two years, which I will elaborate on below.

If your search overlaps just one year of a two year session then we include all bills from the entire session, not just bills from the overlapping year. For example, the search covering 2013 – 2016 search pictured above would overlap one year of, say, California’s 2012-2103 session. So you would see bills introduced in 2012 because they were potentially still alive in 2013. We feel keeping whole sessions together in this way will give you the most relevant results.

Unfortunately, again using the example above, the search would overlap New Jersey’s 2016-2017 session, so you would get back all bills from that session, including those introduced in 2017. That may be initially confusing, but again, we feel showing you whole sessions is important. Luckily we also recently added a “created” date as a choice in the template, so you can sort by that date and easily knock out 2017 bills if you want to. (I did promise you we would be getting into the weeds in this post.)

Every other year sessions – TX, ND, NV, MT each meet every other year, on odd years.  These are one year sessions, so we treat them as simply contained within their year. Thus a search for just a single even year will not result in any bills being shown from these states.

Special Sessions – Special sessions are always contained within a single year. So even in two year states, we will show you only the special sessions that took place in the years you are covering — bills from a special session in 2012 won’t ever be relevant to a 2013 search, so we don’t think we should show them to you.

Carry Over

Some states with one year sessions allow bills to be “carried over” into the next session. In some of these states, carried over bills get a new bill number, but in all states, carried over bills are given a new URL on the state legislature website. We treat these bills as “new” because really, they are. Granted, they start their life identical to their old version, and they usually have some amount of head start through the process; but in database terms, they are reintroduced and have their own new life. We give these bills a new internal Bill ID, and a new row in our bill table. So if you have queries with keywords, you will get “new bill” alerts when the bills are reintroduced, and we won’t keep updating the old version of the bill from the previous year.

The action history on a carried over bill will give you a heads up about what is going on. See this example from Hawaii: 2015 (see actions) and then 2016 (see actions). If you look at the state legislature website for each bill you’ll see what we’ve chosen to do with the bill is pretty much the same as what the state is doing (which isn’t really a coincidence).

So this means if you had set up a search ending in 2015, you would get the 2015 version of that Hawaii bill. If your search spanned 2015 – 2016 you would get the bill showing up in your results twice, once for each session. In that case, you’ll probably want to hide the older bill. Luckily you added the introduced session column as mentioned above, right? (You can also use the last action date to tell them apart.)


Some states allow bills to be filed before the session begins, or “pre-filed”. If a legislature begins posting bills before the official beginning of the session, we want to share these bills with you as soon as possible (which is as soon they are assigned a bill number; we don’t capture them while they are still study documents or other not-quite-a-bill documents). For details on which states pre-file, and how early you might start seeing bills in those states, consult the table at the end of this post.

For the purposes of the search, bills that are pre-filed are evaluated based on the session they are part of, not the calendar year we received them. So if bills are pre-filed in December 2016 for a 2017 session, they will show up in a search covering 2017, but not a search ending in 2016.

As a technical matter, when we converted our search from the old all or nothing system to this current year by year session, we had to change how your search was stored in the database. If your search was for current bills, we included 2018 as part of your search so that you will receive new bills as they are being introduced, just as you would have last year. For future years, when prefiling starts we will automatically add the new session and drop out the old session, as appropriate for each state based on its session. In this way, your searches will roll forward exactly how you expect them to. However, if that is not your intention, and you don’t actually want your bill sheet to roll forward, you will need to archive your bill sheet so that we don’t make this adjustment and no new bills are added.

All The Details In One Table

Session details state by state, including which states have had special systems. Note you can get information about typical pre-filing behavior by looking at the start date. For example, in California, you can see each session has a first bill created date in December of the year before the session officially starts. So you can expect California to start pre-filing bills in December this year, too. Likewise, you can see when bills stop being introduced in the last column (you’ll notice some states have different even and odd year behavior); I’ve removed the end date for sessions that aren’t over yet to avoid confusion.

Note, we weren’t in business loading data at the beginning of 2011, so dates for 2011 sessions are unreliable and have been removed. Also, this information relies on our loading to have been timely and complete for many years in a row, so if you see a date that confounds you, please reach out to confirm before making any important decisions on weird looking information. We also have this easier to deal with pdf, with info on the current sessions and don’t forget the 2017 summary from Ballotpedia.

About BillTrack50 – BillTrack50 is a user friendly free service that provides legislation research in all 50 states and federally. BillTrack50 also offers legislation and regulation tracking across the nation with tools to help organization stay on top of changes (bill sheets and alerts) and share legislation they are tracking with key stakeholders (legislator scorecardswidgets and stakeholder pages). If you are interested in learning more about how BillTrack50 saves organizations time and money, sign up for a demo and try it out BillTrack50 Pro for a month, for free.

State Session Type Bill Count First Bill Created Last Bill Created
AK 27th Legislature Two Year 751 4/19/2012
AK 28th Legislature Two Year 746 1/8/2013 4/22/2014
AK 29th Legislature Two Year 752 1/11/2015 7/14/2016
AK 30th Legislature Two Year 453 1/11/2017
AL Regular Session 2011 One Year 2339
AL Regular Session 2012 One Year 1974 1/17/2012 5/17/2012
AL First Special Session 2012 Special 88 11/7/2012 11/8/2012
AL Regular Session 2013 One Year 1847 11/8/2012 10/1/2013
AL Regular Session 2014 One Year 1779 6/25/2013 4/8/2014
AL Organizational Session 2015 One Year 8 1/14/2015 1/14/2015
AL Regular Session 2015 One Year 1654 1/14/2015 8/30/2015
AL First Special Session 2015 Special 155 7/14/2015 8/11/2015
AL Second Special Session 2015 Special 148 9/8/2015 9/17/2015
AL Regular Session 2016 One Year 1526 7/13/2015 5/19/2016
AL First Special Session 2016 Special 211 8/16/2016 9/15/2016
AL Regular Session 2017 One Year 1673 11/18/2016 5/23/2017
AL Regular Session 2018 One Year 42 8/3/2017
AR 88th General Assembly (2011 Regular) Two Year 2367
AR 88th General Assembly (2012 Fiscal) Two Year 324 2/13/2012 3/1/2012
AR 89th General Assembly (2013 Regular) Two Year 2640 12/19/2012 4/19/2013
AR 89th General Assembly (2013 Special) Special 22 10/17/2013 10/17/2013
AR 89th General Assembly (2014 Fiscal) Two Year 343 1/31/2014 3/13/2014
AR 89th General Assembly (2014 Special) Special 14 6/27/2014 7/2/2014
AR 90th General Assembly (2015 Regular) Two Year 2200 11/19/2014 3/25/2015
AR 90th General Assembly (2015 Special) Special 20 5/26/2015 5/28/2015
AR 90th General Assembly (2016 Fiscal) Two Year 296 3/21/2016 5/5/2016
AR 90th General Assembly (2016 Special) Special 37 4/9/2016 5/20/2016
AR 91st General Assembly (2017 Regular) Two Year 2204 11/18/2016 4/4/2017
AR 91st General Assembly (2017 Special) Special 12 5/2/2017 5/3/2017
AZ Fiftieth Legislature – First Regular Session (2011) Carry Over 1495
AZ Fiftieth Legislature – Second Regular Session (2012) Carry Over 1544 5/4/2012 5/16/2012
AZ Fifty-first Legislature – First Regular Session (2013) Special 1234 12/18/2012 5/29/2013
AZ Fifty-first Legislature – First Special Session (2013) Carry Over 20 6/25/2013 6/25/2013
AZ Fifty-first Legislature – Second Regular Session (2014) Carry Over 1318 11/18/2013 4/15/2014
AZ Fifty-first Legislature – Second Special Session (2014) Special 5 5/28/2014 5/29/2014
AZ Fifty-second Legislature – First Regular Session (2015) Carry Over 1252 12/9/2014 3/31/2015
AZ Fifty-second Legislature – First Special Session (2015) Special 6 10/29/2015 10/29/2015
AZ Fifty-second Legislature – Second Regular Session (2016) Carry Over 1361 11/18/2015 4/28/2016
AZ Fifty-third Legislature – First Regular Session (2017) Carry Over 1180 12/10/2016 5/6/2017
CA 2011-2012 Regular Session Two Year 4820 9/2/2012
CA 2013-2014 Regular Session Two Year 4795 12/19/2012 8/30/2014
CA 2015-2016 Regular Session Two Year 5097 12/2/2014 8/31/2016
CA 2017-2018 Regular Session Two Year 2980 12/16/2016
CO 2011 Regular Session One Year 710
CO 2012 Regular Session One Year 645 1/13/2012 5/10/2012
CO 2013 Regular Session One Year 734 12/19/2012 5/8/2013
CO 2014 Regular Session One Year 710 1/8/2014 5/7/2014
CO 2015 Regular Session One Year 762 1/7/2015 5/12/2015
CO 2016 Regular Session One Year 788 1/13/2016 5/12/2016
CO 2017 Regular Session One Year 765 1/12/2017 7/8/2017
CO 2017 First Special Session Special 4 10/3/2017 10/4/2017
CT 2011 General Assembly One Year 2896
CT 2012 General Assembly One Year 1015 2/9/2012 5/8/2012
CT 2013 General Assembly One Year 2872 1/9/2013 10/1/2013
CT 2014 General Assembly One Year 1091 2/5/2014 5/8/2014
CT 2015 General Assembly One Year 3206 1/7/2015 12/10/2015
CT 2016 General Assembly One Year 1386 2/3/2016 9/30/2016
CT 2017 General Assembly One Year 3620 1/4/2017 9/21/2017
DC 20th Council Two Year 2582 4/8/2013 12/30/2014
DC 21st Council Two Year 2418 1/5/2015 1/4/2017
DC 22nd Council Two Year 1297 1/4/2017
DE 146th General Assembly Two Year 872 7/1/2012
DE 147th General Assembly Two Year 912 12/19/2012 7/1/2014
DE 148th General Assembly Two Year 1009 12/18/2014 7/8/2016
DE 149th General Assembly Two Year 549 1/6/2017
FL 2011 Regular Session One Year 2276
FL 2012 Regular Session One Year 2132 1/11/2012 6/11/2012
FL 2012 Second Special Session Special 1 11/8/2012 11/8/2012
FL 2013 Regular Session One Year 1901 11/7/2012 5/3/2013
FL 2014 Regular Session One Year 1879 8/19/2013 5/2/2014
FL 2015 Regular Session One Year 1755 7/25/2014 4/29/2015
FL 2014 Special Session Special 5 8/5/2014 8/11/2014
FL 2015 Special Session Special 41 5/22/2015 6/16/2015
FL 2015 Second Special Session Special 7 8/10/2015 8/21/2015
FL 2015 Third Special Session Special 6 10/16/2015 10/21/2015
FL 2016 Regular Session One Year 1815 9/28/2015 3/9/2016
FL 2017 Regular Session One Year 3052 9/6/2016 5/6/2017
FL 2017 Special Session Special 13 6/4/2017 6/10/2017
FL 2018 Regular Session One Year 519 8/3/2017
GA 2011-2012 Regular Session Two Year 5422 4/5/2012
GA 2013-2014 Regular Session Two Year 4936 1/15/2013 4/4/2014
GA 2015-2016 Regular Session Two Year 4835 11/19/2014 3/30/2016
GA 2017-2018 Regular Session Two Year 2390 11/18/2016
HI 2011 Regular Session Carry Over 4142
HI 2012 Regular Session Carry Over 5974 1/17/2012 5/4/2012
HI 2013 Regular Session Carry Over 3688 1/18/2013 5/2/2013
HI 2014 Regular Session Carry Over 5593 1/14/2014 5/2/2014
HI 2014 1st Special Session Special 1 11/19/2014 11/19/2014
HI 2015 Regular Session Carry Over 3647 1/21/2015 5/8/2015
HI 2015 1st Special Session Special 1 11/6/2015 11/6/2015
HI 2016 Regular Session Carry Over 5708 1/5/2016 5/6/2016
HI 2016 1st Special Session Special 1 7/14/2016 7/14/2016
HI 2016 2nd Special Session Special 7 7/14/2016 7/21/2016
HI 2017 Regular Session Carry Over 3565 1/18/2017 5/5/2017
HI 2017 1st Special Session Special 17 9/2/2017 9/3/2017
IA 84th General Assembly Two Year 2293 5/2/2012
IA 85th General Assembly Two Year 3012 1/15/2013 5/2/2014
IA 86th General Assembly Two Year 3055 1/12/2015 5/5/2016
IA 87th General Assembly Two Year 1653 1/11/2017
ID 2011 Regular Session One Year 620
ID 2012 Regular Session One Year 628 1/11/2012 3/30/2012
ID 2013 Regular Session One Year 624 1/8/2013 4/9/2013
ID 2014 Regular Session One Year 608 1/6/2014 3/21/2014
ID 2015 Regular Session One Year 595 1/12/2015 4/9/2015
ID 2015 Special Session Special 1 5/18/2015 5/18/2015
ID 2016 Regular Session One Year 632 1/12/2016 3/25/2016
ID 2017 Regular Session One Year 615 1/11/2017 3/29/2017
IL 97th General Assembly Two Year 12780 1/9/2013
IL 98th General Assembly Two Year 13355 1/7/2013 1/14/2015
IL 99th General Assembly Two Year 14372 1/14/2015 1/9/2017
IL 100th General Assembly Two Year 8136 1/12/2017
IN 2011 Regular Session One Year 1542
IN 2012 Regular Session One Year 1130 1/7/2012 3/10/2012
IN 2013 Regular Session One Year 1602 12/19/2012 4/27/2013
IN 2014 Regular Session One Year 1161 1/8/2014 3/14/2014
IN 2015 Regular Session One Year 1555 1/8/2015 5/12/2015
IN 2016 Regular Session One Year 1116 12/28/2015 3/11/2016
IN 2017 Regular Session One Year 1556 12/5/2016 4/22/2017
KS 2011-2012 Regular Session Two Year 1422 5/4/2012
KS 2013-2014 Regular Session Two Year 1486 1/14/2013 5/1/2014
KS 2015-2016 Regular Session Two Year 1459 1/4/2015 6/17/2016
KS 2016 Special Session Two Year 14 6/28/2016 6/28/2016
KS 2017-2018 Regular Session Two Year 806 1/4/2017
KY 2011 Regular Session One Year 689
KY 2012 Regular Session One Year 798 1/6/2012 3/31/2012
KY 2012 Special Session Special 11 11/7/2012 11/8/2012
KY 2013 Regular Session One Year 1147 12/18/2012 10/1/2013
KY 2014 Regular Session One Year 1371 6/25/2013 3/25/2014
KY 2013 Special Session Special 81 8/20/2013 8/23/2013
KY 2015 Regular Session One Year 1244 6/5/2014 3/26/2015
KY 2016 Regular Session One Year 1560 5/8/2015 5/5/2016
KY 2017 Regular Session One Year 1295 1/5/2017 4/10/2017
LA 2011 Regular Session One Year 1583
LA 2012 Regular Session One Year 2734 2/4/2012 6/5/2012
LA 2013 Regular Session One Year 1763 2/21/2013 6/6/2013
LA 2014 Regular Session One Year 2823 1/8/2014 6/3/2014
LA 2015 Regular Session One Year 1974 2/3/2015 8/30/2015
LA 2016 Regular Session One Year 2404 12/24/2015 6/7/2016
LA 2016 First Extraordinary Session Special 208 2/9/2016 3/9/2016
LA 2016 Second Extraordinary Session Special 169 6/6/2016 7/8/2016
LA 2017 Regular Session One Year 1670 3/7/2017 6/9/2017
LA 2017 First Extraordinary Session Special 63 2/12/2017 2/23/2017
LA 2017 Second Extraordinary Session Special 37 6/9/2017 6/17/2017
MA 187th General Court Two Year 7007 12/29/2012
MA 188th General Court Two Year 6947 1/16/2013 1/1/2015
MA 189th General Court Two Year 7302 1/8/2015 12/30/2016
MA 190th General Court Two Year 6138 1/6/2017
MD 2011 Regular Session One Year 2370
MD 2012 Regular Session One Year 2603 1/13/2012 4/8/2012
MD 2012 Special Session Special 19 11/7/2012 11/8/2012
MD 2013 Regular Session One Year 2618 12/27/2012 3/30/2013
MD 2014 Regular Session One Year 2693 1/2/2014 4/5/2014
MD 2015 Regular Session One Year 2248 1/8/2015 4/4/2015
MD 2016 Regular Session One Year 2832 12/18/2015 3/24/2016
MD 2017 Regular Session One Year 2879 12/16/2016 4/6/2017
ME 125th Legislature Two Year 1981 6/1/2012
ME 126th Legislature Two Year 1917 1/10/2013 5/2/2014
ME 127th Legislature Two Year 1777 1/7/2015 11/10/2016
ME 128th Legislature Two Year 1677 12/9/2016
MI 96th Legislature Two Year 4211 12/16/2012
MI 97th Legislature Two Year 4112 1/9/2013 12/19/2014
MI 98th Legislature Two Year 4069 1/14/2015 12/16/2016
MI 99th Legislature Two Year 2168 1/12/2017
MN 87th Legislature 2011-2012 Two Year 5879 1/30/2013
MN 87th Legislature 2011 1st Special Session Special 51 10/25/2012 10/25/2012
MN 87th Legislature 2012 1st Special Session Special 9 11/7/2012 11/8/2012
MN 88th Legislature 2013-2014 Two Year 6677 1/9/2013 5/17/2014
MN 88th Legislature 2013 1st Special Session Special 58 9/9/2013 9/9/2013
MN 89th Legislature 2015-2016 Two Year 8011 1/6/2015 5/24/2016
MN 89th Legislature 2015 1st Special Session Special 37 6/12/2015 6/13/2015
MN 90th Legislature 2017-2018 Two Year 5294 1/4/2017
MN 90th Legislature 2017 1st Special Session Special 12 5/24/2017 5/26/2017
MO 2011 Regular Session One Year 1620
MO 2012 Regular Session One Year 1746 1/6/2012 5/16/2012
MO 2013 Regular Session One Year 1677 12/23/2012 5/2/2013
MO 2014 Regular Session One Year 1958 12/5/2013 6/26/2014
MO 2013 Extraordinary Session Special 4 1/8/2014 1/8/2014
MO 2015 Regular Session One Year 2135 12/9/2014 5/13/2015
MO 2016 Regular Session One Year 2291 12/14/2015 5/10/2016
MO 2017 Regular Session One Year 1997 12/5/2016 9/21/2017
MO 2017 Extraordinary Session Special 16 6/1/2017 6/1/2017
MO 2017 2nd Extraordinary Session Special 27 6/13/2017 6/21/2017
MS 2011 Regular Session One Year 3239
MS 2011 First Extraordinary Session Special 30
MS 2012 Regular Session One Year 3165 1/6/2012 5/4/2012
MS 2013 Regular Session One Year 3087 1/9/2013 4/4/2013
MS 2013 First Extraordinary Session Special 14 6/25/2013 6/25/2013
MS 2013 Second Extraordinary Session Special 52 6/27/2013 6/30/2013
MS 2014 Regular Session One Year 2998 1/7/2014 4/3/2014
MS 2014 First Extraordinary Session Special 4 4/4/2014 4/4/2014
MS 2014 Second Extraordinary Session Special 3 5/9/2014 5/9/2014
MS 2015 Regular Session One Year 3067 1/6/2015 4/1/2015
MS 2016 Regular Session One Year 3216 1/5/2016 4/20/2016
MS 2016 First Extraordinary Session Special 2 2/5/2016 2/5/2016
MS 2016 Second Extraordinary Session NULL 1 6/29/2016 6/29/2016
MS 2017 Regular Session One Year 3283 1/4/2017 3/29/2017
MS 2017 First Extraordinary Session Special 68 6/6/2017 6/6/2017
MT 2011 Regular Session One Year 1179
MT 2013 Regular Session One Year 1201 12/20/2012 4/24/2013
MT 2015 Regular Session One Year 1187 11/19/2014 4/18/2015
MT 2017 Regular Session One Year 1188 12/5/2016 4/22/2017
NC 2011-2012 Session Two Year 2196 6/28/2012
NC 2013-2014 Session Two Year 2162 1/9/2013 8/13/2014
NC 2015-2016 Session Two Year 2053 1/14/2015 7/1/2016
NC 2016 Extra Session 1 Special 5 2/22/2016 2/22/2016
NC 2016 Extra Session 2 Special 4 3/24/2016 3/24/2016
NC 2016 Extra Session 3 Special 7 12/14/2016 12/14/2016
NC 2016 Extra Session 4 Special 31 12/15/2016 12/17/2016
NC 2016 Extra Session 5 Special 6 12/22/2016 12/22/2016
NC 2017-2018 Session Two Year 1619 1/12/2017
ND 62nd Legislative Assembly One Year 920
ND 63rd Legislative Assembly One Year 920 1/8/2013 3/20/2013
ND 64th Legislative Assembly One Year 940 12/18/2014 8/30/2015
ND 65th Legislative Assembly One Year 834 12/16/2016 4/25/2017
NE 102nd Legislature Two Year 1879 4/12/2012
NE 103rd Legislature Two Year 1825 1/10/2013 4/11/2014
NE 104th Legislature Two Year 1841 1/8/2015 4/14/2016
NE 105th Legislature Two Year 954 1/6/2017
NH 2011 Regular Session Carry Over 872
NH 2012 Regular Session Carry Over 1063 3/29/2012
NH 2013 Regular Session Carry Over 816 12/13/2012 11/11/2013
NH 2014 Regular Session Carry Over 914 12/18/2013 4/17/2014
NH 2015 Regular Session Carry Over 904 12/9/2014 9/29/2015
NH 2016 Regular Session Carry Over 1079 1/5/2016 6/17/2016
NH 2017 Regular Session Carry Over 870 12/31/2016 6/6/2017
NJ 2010-2011 Regular Session Two Year 8234 1/7/2012
NJ 2012-2013 Regular Session Two Year 8408 1/11/2012 1/13/2014
NJ 2014-2015 Regular Session Two Year 9084 1/15/2014 2/1/2016
NJ 2016-2017 Regular Session Two Year 9492 1/14/2016
NM 2011 Regular Session One Year 1560
NM 2012 Regular Session One Year 962 1/17/2012 2/14/2012
NM 2013 Regular Session One Year 1656 1/14/2013 3/16/2013
NM 2014 Regular Session One Year 1085 1/7/2014 2/21/2014
NM 2015 Regular Session One Year 1731 12/18/2014 3/21/2015
NM 2015 1st Special Session Special 3 6/9/2015 6/9/2015
NM 2016 Regular Session One Year 1013 12/16/2015 2/18/2016
NM 2016 2nd Special Session Special 22 10/1/2016 10/2/2016
NM 2017 Regular Session One Year 1473 12/17/2016 3/16/2017
NM 2017 1st Special Session Special 17 5/25/2017 5/25/2017
NV 76th Legislature One Year 1090 2/5/2013
NV 77th Legislature (2013) One Year 1118 12/20/2012 8/23/2015
NV 27th Special Session (2013) Special 12 6/25/2013 6/25/2013
NV 28th Special Session (2014) Special 11 9/10/2014 9/11/2014
NV 78th Legislature (2015) One Year 1093 1/4/2015 6/2/2015
NV 29th Special Session (2015) Special 11 12/16/2015 12/20/2015
NV 30th Special Session (2016) Special 10 10/11/2016 10/12/2016
NV 79th Legislature (2017) One Year 1156 11/19/2016
NY 2011-2012 General Assembly Two Year 18451 11/19/2012
NY 2013-2014 General Assembly Two Year 17992 1/7/2013 12/10/2014
NY 2015-2016 General Assembly Two Year 18534 12/18/2014 12/25/2016
NY 2017-2018 General Assembly Two Year 15614 1/4/2017
OH 129th General Assembly Two Year 1996 12/23/2012
OH 130th General Assembly Two Year 2210 1/9/2013 12/24/2014
OH 131st General Assembly Two Year 2376 1/6/2015 12/30/2016
OH 132nd General Assembly Two Year 1234 1/4/2017
OK 2011 Regular Session Carry Over 2391
OK 2012 Regular Session Carry Over 4575 1/17/2012 5/25/2012
OK 2013 Regular Session Carry Over 2682 11/22/2012 5/25/2013
OK 2013 Special Session Special 48 9/3/2013 9/9/2013
OK 2014 Regular Session Carry Over 5106 9/15/2013 5/24/2014
OK 2015 Regular Session Carry Over 2292 11/21/2014 8/30/2015
OK 2016 Regular Session Carry Over 4235 10/12/2015 5/27/2016
OK 2017 Regular Session Carry Over 2525 12/5/2016 9/3/2017
OK 2017 Special Session Special 196 9/23/2017
OR 2011 Regular Session Carry Over 2999
OR 2012 Legislative Measures One Year 302 2/4/2012 3/1/2012
OR 2013 Legislative Measures One Year 2679 1/16/2013 7/9/2013
OR 2013 1st Special Session Special 7 1/30/2014 1/30/2014
OR 2014 Legislative Measures One Year 266 1/30/2014 3/4/2014
OR 2015 Legislative Measures One Year 2799 1/14/2015 7/2/2015
OR 2016 Legislative Measures One Year 283 1/28/2016 2/25/2016
OR 2017 Legislative Measures One Year 2829 1/11/2017 7/6/2017
PA 2011-2012 Regular Session Two Year 5641 11/13/2012
PA 2013-2014 Regular Session Two Year 5595 1/2/2013 11/12/2014
PA 2015-2016 Regular Session Two Year 5368 1/6/2015 12/1/2016
PA 2017-2018 Regular Session Two Year 3519 1/4/2017
RI 2011 Regular Session One Year 2420
RI 2012 Regular Session One Year 1386 1/6/2012
RI 2013 Regular Session One Year 2389 1/3/2013 7/8/2013
RI 2014 Regular Session One Year 2526 1/7/2014 6/23/2014
RI 2015 Regular Session One Year 2399 1/6/2015 6/26/2015
RI 2016 Regular Session One Year 2472 1/5/2016 6/21/2016
RI 2017 Regular Session One Year 2418 1/6/2017 9/21/2017
SC 119th General Assembly Two Year 3978 6/8/2012
SC 120th General Assembly Two Year 3782 12/13/2012 6/20/2014
SC 121st General Assembly Two Year 3872 12/4/2014 6/17/2016
SC 122nd General Assembly Two Year 2127 12/10/2016
SD 2011 Regular Session One Year 561
SD 2012 Regular Session One Year 598 1/11/2012 3/19/2012
SD 2013 Regular Session One Year 648 12/19/2012 3/6/2013
SD 2014 Regular Session One Year 594 1/13/2014 3/15/2014
SD 2015 Regular Session One Year 519 1/8/2015 2/25/2015
SD 2016 Regular Session One Year 493 12/28/2015 3/12/2016
SD 2017 Regular Session One Year 492 12/31/2016 3/28/2017
SD 2017 Special Session Special 3 6/13/2017 6/13/2017
TN 107th General Assembly Two Year 10263 5/2/2012
TN 108th General Assembly Two Year 7703 11/22/2012 4/18/2014
TN 109th General Assembly Two Year 7740 11/7/2014 5/5/2016
TN 110th General Assembly Two Year 4291 12/5/2016
TX 82nd Legislature Regular Session One Year 10305
TX 82nd Legislature First Special Special 574
TX 83rd Legislature Regular Session One Year 10630 11/22/2012 8/19/2013
TX 83rd Legislature 1st Special Session Special 568 6/24/2013 10/1/2013
TX 83rd Legislature 2nd Special Session Special 444 6/27/2013 7/31/2013
TX 83rd Legislature 3rd Special Session Special 79 7/31/2013 8/8/2013
TX 84th Legislature Regular Session One Year 11356 11/10/2014 8/30/2015
TX 85th Legislature Regular Session One Year 10672 11/18/2016 6/28/2017
TX 85th Legislature 1st Special Session Special 1247 7/12/2017 8/17/2017
US 112th Congress Two Year 12276 2/4/2013
US 113th Congress Two Year 10631 1/21/2013 12/18/2014
US 114th Congress Two Year 12074 1/7/2015 2/5/2017
US 115th Congress Two Year 7196 1/4/2017
UT 2011 General Session One Year 929
UT 2012 General Session One Year 891 1/17/2012 3/9/2012
UT 2013 Regular Session One Year 1038 12/19/2012 10/1/2013
UT 2014 Regular Session One Year 1127 12/16/2013 3/15/2014
UT 2015 Regular Session One Year 831 12/19/2014 4/3/2015
UT 2015 First Special Session Special 6 11/2/2015 11/2/2015
UT 2016 General Session One Year 821 12/17/2015 3/11/2016
UT 2016 2nd Special Session Special 2 5/14/2016 5/18/2016
UT 2016 3rd Special Session Special 9 7/13/2016 7/14/2016
UT 2016 4th Special Session Special 2 11/18/2016 11/18/2016
UT 2017 General Session One Year 812 12/10/2016 3/10/2017
UT 2017 1st Special Session Special 4 9/19/2017 9/19/2017
VA 2011 Regular Session One Year 2966
VA 2012 Regular Session One Year 2868 1/13/2012 3/10/2012
VA 2013 Regular Session One Year 2897 11/7/2012 10/1/2013
VA 2013 Special I Special 109 6/25/2013 7/1/2013
VA 2014 Regular Session One Year 2888 11/18/2013 3/7/2014
VA 2014 Special I Special 494 3/24/2014 11/13/2014
VA 2015 Regular Session One Year 3010 7/25/2014 3/5/2015
VA 2015 Special I Special 97 8/17/2015 11/23/2015
VA 2016 Regular Session One Year 3287 11/17/2015 3/12/2016
VA 2017 Regular Session One Year 3201 9/6/2016 2/25/2017
VT 2011-2012 Session Two Year 1642 5/17/2012
VT 2013-2014 Session Two Year 1775 1/11/2013 5/10/2014
VT 2015-2016 Session Two Year 1733 1/9/2015 9/15/2016
VT 2017-2018 Session Two Year 974 1/4/2017
WA 2011-2012 Regular Session Two Year 3565 5/10/2012
WA 2013-2014 Regular Session Two Year 3457 1/15/2013 3/14/2014
WA 2015-2016 Regular Session Two Year 4019 12/9/2014 5/24/2016
WA 2017-2018 Regular Session Two Year 2425 12/10/2016
WI 2011-2012 Regular Session Two Year 1584 3/20/2012
WI 2013-2014 Regular Session Two Year 1878 1/8/2013 4/5/2014
WI Oct 2013 Special Session Special 8 10/15/2013 10/15/2013
WI Dec 2013 Special Session Special 2 12/3/2013 12/3/2013
WI Jan 2014 Special Session Special 4 2/16/2014 2/16/2014
WI 2015-2016 Regular Session Two Year 2111 1/7/2015 4/12/2016
WI 2017-2018 Regular Session Two Year 1205 1/5/2017
WI January 2017 Special Session Special 22 3/15/2017
WI August 2017 Special Session Special 3 8/2/2017 9/3/2017
WV 2011 Regular Session Carry Over 2305
WV 2012 Regular Session Carry Over 2457 1/13/2012 3/22/2012
WV 2012 1st Special Session Special 7 11/7/2012 11/8/2012
WV 2013 Regular Session Carry Over 2244 1/10/2013 10/1/2013
WV 2013 1st Special Session Special 11 6/25/2013 6/25/2013
WV 2014 Regular Session Carry Over 2248 1/8/2014 3/9/2014
WV 2014 1st Special Session Special 18 3/17/2014 3/17/2014
WV 2014 2nd Special Session Special 16 5/20/2014 5/22/2014
WV 2015 Regular Session Carry Over 1945 1/15/2015 4/3/2015
WV 2016 Regular Session Carry Over 2237 1/13/2016 3/30/2016
WV 2016 1st Special Session Special 49 5/17/2016 6/16/2016
WV 2016 2nd Special Session Special 5 9/19/2016 9/21/2016
WV 2017 Regular Session Carry Over 2136 1/12/2017 5/6/2017
WV 2017 1st Special Session Special 55 5/5/2017 6/28/2017
WV 2017 2nd Special Session Special 14 10/17/2017 10/18/2017
WY 2011 Regular Session Carry Over 437
WY 2012 Budget Session Carry Over 244 2/13/2012 2/17/2012
WY 2013 Regular Session Carry Over 429 1/30/2013
WY 2014 Budget Session Carry Over 306 1/3/2014 2/14/2014
WY 2015 Regular Session Carry Over 410 12/19/2014 2/3/2015
WY 2016 Budget Session Carry Over 280 12/28/2015 2/13/2016
WY 2017 Regular Session Carry Over 485 12/5/2016 2/2/2017