Written by: Karen Suhaka | September 3, 2019

Renewing your subscription on BillTrack50 is easy. You can see a quick walk through of the process here, or read on for instructions including plenty of screen shots.

When you are within 30 days of your subscription expiring you will get a little bell warning.If you go past the end of your subscription period the bell will remain the same but the message will let you know when your subscription expired. You also will not be able to create new bill sheets or other items until you have renewed. You will, however, still be able to use your account otherwise and will continue to get alerts for a month past your expiration date — this is your grace period.

To renew your subscription click on the warning bell or go up to the account menu (the red button at the top with your name in it) and choose Subscriptions. If you don’t have a Subscriptions option then you are not the account administrator. If you need to change who the administrator is on your account you have two options: the current account administrator can do that from the user management screen, or you can drop me a note and I’ll help.

Either clicking the warning or choosing subscription will take you to the subscription management screen, which looks like this:

If you are within a month of expiring, or already expired, you will see the Renew Subscriptions button as pictured above. Clicking renew will put your current product(s) in the shopping cart and take you to your shopping cart to check out.

The shopping cart looks like this:

If everything looks good you can proceed to checkout. If you would like to remove products you can do so by clicking the remove link on this screen, and then you can proceed to checkout. If you’d like to add products click the “back to selection” button and choose the additional products you would like to add to your subscription, and then proceed to checkout.

The checkout screen looks like this:


If you would like to pay right away go ahead and fill in the credit card info. Otherwise change the payment type to invoice and confirm your purchase. Either way will initiate an automatic download of your invoice. If you have made special arrangements with me, like quarterly payments, then choose payment type invoice complete your purchase, then send me a quick note reminding me what you need, and I’ll make the necessary changes and issue a new invoice if needed.

You can retrieve a copy of your invoice or pay your by credit card anytime by revisiting the subscription screen. You can also check the subscription screen to see if recent payments have been received and credited.

And that’s it! You are all set for another year.


Photo by Luemen Carlson on Unsplash