Written by: Karen Suhaka | April 5, 2024

We created our bill list widget, map widget, stakeholder page, scorecard, and API hoping they would prove a useful way for people to share important legislation with their members or with the public. We have been delighted with the creative, effective, and even beautiful uses our customers have devised for using our tools. Some examples to help inspire you:

Bill Widgets

Simple straightforward effective bill lists

New Mexico Business Coalition || Montana Wildlife Federation || One Community || Keep Florida Reading

Emphasizing supported or opposed bills

State Bar of Wisconsin || Tourism Matters to Montana

Great implementation of widgets for different states built from a single bill sheet

Marijuana Policy Project (bottom of page)

Legislator widgets on Ballotpedia

Senator Gerald Hill (D-CA13) || Senator Liz Brown (R-IN15)


Amazing map with some top notch action links!


A pretty map that matches customer website colors with a well-customized grid

ACE Scholarships 

Main map with links to sub-maps

Equality Federation Legislative Action Center || Vote.org Bill Tracker

An excellent example of a map using position color coding

American Atheists

Taking instructions to another level (click 'go to model state legislation' to see the map)

Economic Democracy Advocates

National topic-based organization maps with automatic member pages

National REIA || REIA Utah || REIA NYC

Stakeholder Pages

Embedded stakeholder page

 Idaho Wildlife Federation || State Council of Higher Education for Virginia || Virginia Conservation Network (notice instructions) || RMAPI

Embedded stakeholder page paired with an embedded scorecard with links to hosted pages

Voces Unidas Action


Nice embedded scorecard in a website

Voces Unidas Action ||  Great North Dakota Chamber || Nevada Progress Report

Great examples of the third party visual scorecard tool

Idaho Freedom Foundation  || ACLU PA || National Parks Action Fund (Federal Scorecard) || Tennesseans for Student Success SuccessCard (see in particular the methodology link at the top) ||  Kansas Freedom Index 


Event schedule using Google calendar plug-in:

Stream Teams United

Search for members to find and review legislator vote records:

Alaska Policy Forum Legislative Vote Tracker

Fantastic blending of internal data and BillTrack50 data into a new tool:

Ballotpedia Election Legislation Tracker


If you are particularly happy with how your page turned out, let us know, and we’ll add it to this list.