Written by: Stephen Rogers | April 8, 2024

Congratulations on choosing a BillTrack50 subscription! You now have access to our powerful searching, tracking and sharing tools. We know that it can be daunting when you first start using the service, but don't despair - we will be with you every step of the way to make sure that you get the most out of what we have to offer.

The most important thing to know is that we are always available to help, so don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything.

The diagram below illustrates what you can expect:

A diagram showing the post subscription journey

The Ignition Meeting

The starting point is the Ignition Meeting. This will build on any meetings you may have had with us during your free trial, and serves to get your account set up and running so that you can relax and be sure you're capturing the right bills. At the meeting we will:

  • Discuss your goals for the service and make sure you have access to the right products
  • Help you create good queries so your bill sheets just show the bills you want
  • Help you organize your bill sheets in an efficient way
  • Set up daily email alerts
  • Talk about the layout of your bill sheets and how to create templates and custom columns
  • Support you with creating widgets, stakeholder pages, scorecards and so on for sharing
  • Help you organize your account, invite extra users and set permissions for access to bill sheets

By the end of an hour or so, you should be on your way!

Success Health Check Meetings

We'll check in after a few months to see how you're getting along, or you can reach out to us at any time with questions or extra training. If everything is going well then great! But if you do need extra help them we can schedule a meeting. This could cover:

  • Training for new users
  • Reorganizing bill sheets
  • Reworking queries that aren't always finding the right bills
  • A refresher tutorial for any aspects of the service you may have forgotten
  • A demonstration of new features and updates
  • Anything else you need!

Post Session Debrief

Once your legislative session is done and you have the chance to take a breath and relax, we'll check in again to see how things have gone and to discuss any changes that might be needed for the next session. it's good to review things while they're fresh in your mind!


Towards the end of the year we will schedule a series of Housekeeping Webinars. You will be invited to choose one and come along to learn about:

  • New features and products introduced throughout the year
  • What you need to do to archive your bill sheets from the year and get new ones set up for the new sessions
  • General housekeeping such as tidying up your list of users and deleting things you no longer need

You can also book another meeting with us to go through these things in person, so you can hit the ground running when your states start up again.


We will reach out when your subscription is coming up for renewal, to discuss whether you have the right service for you or if we need to change anything.

Ongoing support

To reiterate, you can of course reach out to us at any time for any support, training or advice. We're always delighted to help. And for specific queries, you can also check out our Help Center which is full of helpful videos and help posts.

You should also make sure you're signed up to for our monthly newsletter with news, tips and advice. And if you're interested in learning more about trending bills and the legislative issues making the news, then subscribe to our Substack, or follow us on Facebook or Tiktok.