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How to Set Up Event Schedule Alerts for Upcoming Hearings

When you have set up your bill sheet, you will often want to be alerted when changes happen to your bills. Read this post to learn how to set up daily email bill alerts. But you may also want to know about upcoming hearings on the bills you are tracking so that you can attend the hearing yourself, put out a call to action or attempt to influence legislators ahead of time.

The Event Schedule Page

To add bills to the event schedule, check the Add Bills to Event Schedule box on the Alerts tab.

The Alerts tab

Click the Event Schedule link in the blue menu on the left to see a forward look of all the hearings that will be held on your bills over the coming month. For each day, you will see a list of your bills that have hearings that day, in a similar format to the email alert - the time and time zone, a link to the bill, the name of the committee hearing and location and a link to the bill sheet the bill is on:

The event schedule page

You can also add these hearings to your own Outlook, Google, or Apple calendar. See this post for how to do that.

Event Schedule Alerts

You can receive a second daily email with details of upcoming hearings. To set this up, go to the Alerts tab on a bill sheet and check the two boxes - Add Bills to Event Schedule and Send Daily Event Schedule Email. You must check both boxes to receive the email:

The Alerts tab

You will now start receiving an email early each morning with details of the upcoming hearings. Note: You will only receive one email regardless of how many bill sheets you have set up for alerts. The email will be a grid which shows the forthcoming week's hearings. It will show you the day and time, a link to the bill, the name of the bill, the place and room and a link to the relevant bill sheet:

The event schedule email