BillTrack50 Help Center

Sharing & Alerts

Help with sharing bills and bill sheets; using widgets, scorecards and stakeholder pages; exporting data and creating reports; and with setting alerts.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 13:18
  • Getting Started

BillTrack50 - The Basics

A run through of the most fundamental functions of BillTrack50.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 2:23
  • Getting Started

How to Set Up Alerts

An explanation of how you can get alerts when changes happen to the bills in your bill sheet.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 2:00
  • Getting Started

How to Set Up Alerts

A demonstration of how you can get alerts when changes happen to the bills in your bill sheet.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 1:10
  • Getting Started

How to Set Up Event Schedule Alerts for Upcoming Hearings

An explanation of how to get email alerts for upcoming hearings and how to use the Event Schedule page.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 1:05
  • Getting Started

How to Get Daily Alert Emails for Regulations

A demonstration of how to set up daily email alerts for regulation sheets.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 1:36
  • Getting Started

How to Use the Alerts Page

An explanation of the alerts page which lists changes to your bills over the past week.

  • Video
  • Getting Started

4 Common Alert Mistakes

A conversation about how to opt in for alerts, how to set your own alerts, how to keep up with alerts, and afternoon alerts.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 1:14
  • Advanced

Forwarding BillTrack50 alerts to a Slack Channel

An explanation of how to use Slack for bill alerts.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 3:05
  • Advanced

How to Add an Event Schedule to your Calendar

An explanation of how to see legislative events on your own calendar.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 1:31
  • Advanced

How to Add an Event Schedule to your Calendar

A demonstration of how to see legislative events on your own calendar.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 2:11
  • Advanced

How to Get Afternoon Alerts

An explanation of how to get a second alerts email in the afternoon.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 1:28
  • Advanced

How to Add Afternoon Alerts to Your BillTrack50 Subscription

A walkthrough of how to add a second daily alert to your existing subscription.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 5:04
  • Getting Started

How to Create and Share Widgets

An explanation of how to create bill list and bill map widgets and embed them into a website.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 3:23
  • Getting Started

How to Create and Share a Bill Widget

A demonstration of how to create and publish a bill widget on your website.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 3:55
  • Getting Started

How to Create and Share a Map Widget

A demonstration of how to create and publish a map widget on your website.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 3:12
  • Intermediate

How to Add Widgets and Stakeholder Pages to a Squarespace Website

An explanation of how to add a widget or stakeholder page to a website using a website creation service such as Squarespace.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 2:00
  • Intermediate

How to Color Code Your Widget to Support or Oppose Bills

A demonstration of how to set up a bill widget to display whether you support or oppose specific bills.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 2:00
  • Getting Started

Examples of sharing tools used by our customers

A list of links to how our clever customers are using widgets, stakeholder pages and scorecards.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 1:17
  • Intermediate

How to Create a One-State Widget from an All State Bill Sheet

A demonstration of how to set up a bill widget for one state if your bill sheet has bills from multiple states.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 0:34
  • Intermediate

Color Coding a Bill Map by Average Bill Rating

How to use the Position column on your bill sheet to color code your map widget.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 2:10
  • Advanced

How to Edit the Font on Your Bill List or Bill Map Widget

An explanation of how to change the font family and font size on a bill list or bill map widget.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 5:29
  • Getting Started

How to Create and Use a Stakeholder Page

An explanation of stakeholder page basics.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 2:38
  • Getting Started

How to Use a Stakeholder Page

A demonstration of how to set up and use a stakeholder page.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 6:23
  • Advanced

How To Sort Important Bills to the Top of the Page

A demonstration of how to highlight bills that were especially important by "pinning" them to the top of the page.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 3:53
  • Advanced

How to Use Mobile Stakeholder Pages

An explanation of how to share stakeholder pages with you members via the mobile app.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 2:39
  • Intermediate

How to Add a Logo to a Stakeholder Page or Scorecard

A demonstration of how to add logos to your stakeholder pages and scorecards.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 17:28
  • Getting Started

How to Make a Scorecard

A step by step guide to creating a scorecard.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 15:06
  • Getting Started

How to Make a Scorecard

A step by step demonstration of how to create a scorecard.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 2:04
  • Getting Started

How to Create and Add Bills to a Scorecard

A demonstration of how to create a scorecard and then upload bills into it.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 4:20
  • Getting Started

What do the Different Scores Mean?

An explanation of how the various scores are calculated.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 6:00
  • Advanced

Setting up your Bills - Key Features

An explanation of key features from the Legislation tab - naming bills, scoring sponsors, putting links in comments and scoring individual votes.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 2:56
  • Advanced

How to Score Different Votes in your Scorecard

A demonstration of how to set different scores for different types of votes in your scorecard.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 4:56
  • Intermediate

How to Add Categories to a Scorecard

A demonstration of how to organize the bills on your scorecard into categories.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 3:00
  • Advanced

Scoring Missed Votes on a Scorecard

An explanation of the options for setting points for absent or abstained votes on a scorecard.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 57:08
  • Advanced

Scorecards Webinar

A detailed walkthrough of everything you need to know about legislative scorecards.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 1:54
  • Intermediate

How to Export Content to Other Applications

An explanation of the various ways to export information from the system to use in other applications such as MS Excel.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 4:00
  • Intermediate

The Custom Report Builder

An explanation how to create a custom PDF report.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 5:41
  • Intermediate

The Custom Report Builder

A walkthrough of how to create a custom PDF report.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 3:24
  • Intermediate

Export the Full Voting Record and Sponsored Bill List for a Legislator

An explanation of the export function for votes and bill sponsorships.