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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Assist: Discover Similar Bills

As part of our AI Assist service, we have an AI-generated similar bills feature. It complements our AI-generated recommended bills feature for bill sheets, read more about recommended bills here.

On bill pages there is a tab called Similar Bills. When you click on this tab, for a bill in a 2024 session or later, an AI tool will generate a list of bills that are similar to the bill you are looking at:

The similar bills tab

The tab looks similar to a bill sheet, with a standard set of columns. A few things to note:

  • The list of bills looks and functions like a bill sheet. You can change the column widths, move them around, sort and filter them, and so on in exactly the same was as you can with a bill sheet.
  • The bills will be from different states around the country. To just see bills from a particular state, use the filter on the State column. Here's how to filter a column.
  • One of the columns is our AI-generated Summary, to allow you to quickly and easily check if the bills are relevant for you.
  • The final column is called Score. It is an assessment, by the AI, of how similar the suggested bill is to the main bill. A top score of 100 would be a perfect match, though anything above about 75 should be a good fit. The results are sorted by Score in descending order, so the best matches will be at the top.
  • There are 100 suggested similar bills. It's unlikely that all 100 will be good matches but we provide them for you to check. By scanning down the list of bills you should be able to see when the bills stop being useful.
  • The list of similar bills is re-generated every time the tab on the bill is opened, so it always works from the current bill text and draws from the current list of introduced bills. Refreshing the web page will re-generate the list.
  • Similar bills are available for bills going back to 2017, and we will be doing it for bills going forward. There are no similar bill suggestions or summaries for resolutions or memorials.

So how should you use this powerful new feature? Here are some suggestions, though I'm sure you'll think of other ways!

For brainstorming search terms

For finding bills to add to your bill sheets

For finding model bills

For checking your existing bill sheets have all the best bills