BillTrack50 Help Center

Filtering Bills

Help with using bill types, progress categories, the session timeline, committees and bill sponsors to filter your searches.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 4:00
  • Getting Started

Bill Type Definitions

An explanation of the bill types on the Query tab.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 3:15
  • Getting Started

Meet the Bill Progress Categories

An explanation of the bill progress categories on the query tab.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 1:31
  • Intermediate

How to Search or Filter By Committee

An explanation of how to find bills that have been sent to a specific committee, or filter a bill search to just include those bills.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 4:40
  • Intermediate

How to Filter a Search by Committee

A demonstration of how to filter the bills on a bill sheet by a broad committee category or specific committees.

  • Blog Post
  • Intermediate

How Legislative Sessions Work

An explanation of how the states organize their sessions and how that affects searching using the timeline.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 2:45
  • Intermediate

Filter Your Bill Sheet by Session

An explanation of how to use a template and then filter to identify bills from a specific session.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 2:04
  • Getting Started

How to Search For Bills From A Previous Session

An explanation of how to use the timeline to search for bills from previous years.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 2:52
  • Intermediate

How to Search for Bills from A Previous Session

A demonstration of how to use the timeline to search for bills from previous years.

  • Blog Post
  • Estimated Read Time 2:52
  • Advanced

Managing Prefiled Bills Using the Timeline

An explanation of how to filter out prefiled bills or just select them using the filter timeline.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 4:44
  • Intermediate

Managing Prefiled Bills Using the Timeline

A demonstration of how to use the timeline to manage prefile bills before the start of a new session.

  • Video
  • Estimated Watch Time 1:54
  • Intermediate

Handling Special Sessions

A demonstration showing how to modify your bill sheet to add a column showing which session a bill is associated with, so that you can tell special session bills, regular session bills, and pre-filed bills apart.